Sparkly rocks, hidden creatures, and iridescent fringe form a fantasy landscape in Australian artist Pip & Pop’s new installation at Meow Wolf.
Character Witness
A Daddy's girl grows up
An Ode to Jane Barnell
Wilmington's world famous bearded lady
Can't Fade
While Wilmington's industrial age dwindles, a part of it lives on
Hiding in Plain Sight
Walking the African-American history trail in Wilmington, NC
Misadventures in Holiday Fashion
All dressed up with someplace to go
Moonlighting as an Archaeologist
Stumbling into a great tradition
Tao Te Chihuahua
A tale finding true love. . . in the form of a dog
Lost in Translation
When I fell in love with gardens
Sketchbook: Brush Contact
My first column from Salt Magazine on Bell Boyd, lady spy.
No Boundaries International Art Colony
My illustration inspired by a weekend on Bald Head Island with the No Boundaries International Art Colony crew.
It was a pleasure to be asked to write the catalogue No Boundaries International Art Colony. It was also my first intuitive foray into lyric essay, a nonfiction form I felt but could not name. This piece includes heavy metaphor, short sections, lists, and poetry, all hallmarks of the lyric style I would come to learn about later.
Costume Jewel
My woodcut on fabric of Broadway costume designer Willian Ivey Long, I received the nicest thank you note after sending him one. The envelope had green boa feather and sequins in it.
Meeting with a Tony Award winning costume designer begs the question: What do I wear?
Umbrella Church
Flying School by Diane Landry
An art installation causes a near religious experience for this museum waitress.